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Date : 23 mai 2010 14:38:30 HAEC
Objet : europe crise et fin - final crisis
Chers amis, chères amies, dear friends,
Je prends la liberté de vous communiquer un texte sur la crise
européenne que je viens d'achever. Merci à ceux d'entre vous qui ont
bien voulu me faire bénéficier de leurs remarques sur une version
antérieure. Je suis en train de rechercher des possibilités de
publication. N'hesitez pas à le fire circuler si vous le jugez utile
ou intéressant.
Bien cordialement à vous, EB
Please find attached an essay on the current crisis of Europe that I
have just completed. I thank those of you who have reacted to previous
versions, this was very helpful. I am currently looking for places of
publication. Please don't hesitate to circulate the text if you find
it useful or interesting.
All my best, EB




Some Theses
(May 22, 2010)

1. This is only the beginning of the crisis

Within one single month, we have witnessed Prime Minister Papandreou of Greece announcing his country’s default, an expansive European rescue loan offered to him on the condition of devastating budget cuts, soon followed by the “downgraded rating” of the Portuguese and Spanish debts, a threat on the value and the very existence of the Euro, the creation (under strong US pressure) of a European security fund worth € 750 bn, the Central European Bank’s decision (against its rules) to redeem sovereign debts, and the announcement of budget austerity measures in several member states. Clearly, this is only the beginning. These latest episodes of a crisis which started two years ago with the collapsing of the US housing credit forecast others. They show that there is more than ever a risk of financial crash, provoked by the huge amount of rotten stocks which have been accumulated over the last decade through the combination of unwarranted loans and the transformation of credit default swaps into financial products by the banks. “Black Peter”, the sum total of unrecoverable debts, is running around fast, and the States can’t catch up. The speculation is now targeting the currencies and the public debts. But the Euro is the weak link in the chain, and so is Europe itself. There can be little doubt that catastrophic consequences are coming.